Monday, May 23, 2005

Maskerek Ball

Yesterday my company held its annual dinner at Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. It's supposed to be a masquerade ball but then just a few people turned up with costumes on. Most of us just dressed formally, even the big bosses also wore formal clothes, and some put on tux. I really wasnt in the mood of having fun so I was thinking about not going. But since most of my colleagues are going and some more penalty is imposed on those who registered but didnt go, so in the end I decided to go. And yesterday jugak I rushed to Ampang Point to get something to wear.

I'm the kind of person yang do not like to walk around in shopping complex for a very long time. So once I saw baju yang rasa2nya can go with the event, terus jer try and beli. Senang citer.

I arrived late actually. I'm supposed to go with my colleagues, but then they are late so I end up going there alone. Nasibla ada penyelamat yang willing to show me where to park, register and everything. Sampai2 jer show baru start. A lot of dancing performance la. Yang funny pun ada. Ada ke nyanyi.. ehh miming lagu Alanis Morissette Uninvited but put on gaya cam nyanyi opera. Lawak seyy... Ahh before I forget, the emcees are Asha Gill and Lil Kev. They are wicked.. men. Tu favourite phrase diorang... wicked. Ehehe...

Instant Cafe Theatre and Camelia also perform jugak. Camelia looks stunning, as usual la kan. I always have the impression that she is tall, but she is not. But she definitely have the perfect body la, to my eyes. When she was performing tiba2 blackout plak kat situ. Sunway Resort Hotel ni tak bayar electricity bill kut. Heh..

But the blackout was just for awhile. Maybe around 5 minutes kut. But I tell you, performance by Instant Cafe Theatre was superb, marvellous, kelakar gila. Kalau before this a lot of people suka buat lawak bodoh kan, diorang punya lawak ni memang intelligent la. I dont know all their names but some of them are recognizable la. Rashid Salleh and Patrick Teoh and this one girl that always come out on tv. I cant remember her name. But all of them are really talented. They sing well too, including Rashid Salleh. Hehhee..

After abis semua performance tuh, diorang clear all the tables and bukak dance floor kat depan stage tuh. Terasa cam nak goyang2 jugak but then I have to control myself la kan. Then we all went out to take pictures. Dapatla amik gambar with Asha and Lil Kev.

There is this one group of Indian guys, I think they are all from India, they all punya perangai memang memalukan la. They do not seem like they are drunk, but their behaviour memang mcm diorang ni drunk la. They will ask any girls that are around to take picture with them. Just when their friend is about to take the picture, they will put their hands on/around that poor girl and asked whether they can do that. But of coursela the moment when their hands are around the girl their cameraman friend will snap the picture. Sah2la the girl tak sempat nak say anything kan. And ada this one guy sempat peep into one of my colleague's cleavage tuh.. Memang extremely rude. Depan2 orang buat tu.. I saw him doing that with my own eyes. And now dia upload all those pictures online and publish the url to all of his friends in hp. And kebetulan ada kawan dia send me the url, memang dlm web page tuh penuh gambar diorang with girls. Almost all the girls in hp yang attend the dinner. heh. pelik betul kan perangai?

So that's it la about the dinner. Aaa lucky draw. Hadiah memang gempak2 but as usual, I never won anything. Tapi ada my colleague menang ipaq, hp digital camera, tv 34 inch, mcm2 lagila. Yang lawaknya pen drive 64Mb pun diorang give away jugak. Hai... nampak sangat la dah tak laku.

Okesla. That's it for now. Chow.

Friday, May 20, 2005

18SG - Not to be viewed by people who are sensitive to pre-abusive language

Si bodoh tu ingat aku desperate nak kawin? Just because dia dengar aku buat lawak ajak balik rumah jumpa parents, terus dia jump into conclusion yang aku ni desperate nak kawin? Memangla aku nak kawin bodoh! Tapi takdela sekarang or dalam masa terdekat ni. Lagipun sapa yang tanak kawin. Ko tu je la yang macam tu kut. Hidup asyik nak fun jer, bukan nak pikir pasal masa depan.

Lagipun, bukannya aku ajak ko balik rumah jumpa parents aku. Kawan ko tu yang cakap nak balik rumah jumpa parents aku. So aku main2la agree. Ko ni memang sahla bengap! Macam la hensem sangat. Ingat aku suka kat ko aa tu. Ahahah lawak. Aku dah ada orang lain la bodoh!

Ko ingat lawak2 ko tu lawak sangat ke? Aku gelak sebab kesian kat ko jer. Ko stopla perangai ko yang konon habis cool n semua pompuan bole tangkap cair ngan ko. Pompuan2 bodoh yang tengok rupa jer mungkin bole cair la ngan lawak unintelligent ko tu. Aku? Sorryla. Kalau ko nak tau, aku nyer first impression kat ko... ko memang fail depan mata aku. Kalau tak caya tanyala budak satu team jepun ngan ko tu. Aku dah cakap ngan dia.

P/S: Sorry friends. This entry is out of frustration to some bengap guy who thinks that I'm desperate nak kawin. Please bear with me k? Ehehehe. Ok. Dah rasa relieved. Going back now. Babai.

I do not want this blog to be a place where I opened up everything, but then, I've just realized that I have no one to talk to. It's 9pm in the evening, I guess everyone is resting at home, layan anak ke, or having dinner ke, and I guess nobody wants to be bothered by some silly problems that I have.

When you have someone in your life, you'd be thinking about running away from him, to get away from all the nonsenses that he is making, but when you know that he's not there anymore, you realized that you miss his presence, you wanted to hear his comforting words again, that everything will be good, that I can do something when me myself didnt believe I can do it, to support me from behind, to encourage me to take that one little step, to be happy for me when something good happen to me, and most importantly, to make me believe in myself.

What have I got myself into?
Does this worth everything I'm risking for?
Have I gone too far?
Should I turn back?
I guess the question that I have to answer is this...
Do I get what I want from all of this?

But I can see the path to the road that I have to lead clearly now...
There is no more decision to be made... it's crystal clear that he does not want me in his life anymore.
Serves me rite la kan?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Bisakah aku bertanya padamu
Dimanakan kah sayang itu
Di redup matamu
Atau bisikan mesra
Ataukah kerna sentuhan listrikmu
Buatku terus berjanji
Hati ini hanya milikmu saja

Sentuhanmu bukan datang dari dunia materi
Terasa ini pernah mengusikku
Bagai deja vu

Kurindu sentuhanmu
Kudamba sentuhanmu
Tiada lain yang kuinginkan
Hanya sentuhanmu

Ok. This is part of me berjiwang karat. Lagu apa ni? Sapa tatau memang rasanya tak dengar lagu melayu. Ni lagu M.Nasir, Sentuhan Listrikmu. Sometimes berjiwang karat ngan lagu M.Nasir ni ok jugak. I know some people maybe terkejut kut if they know that I do ‘berjiwang karat’ sometimes. Ehehe. When I ask around, people always say that I’m the kind of person yang rileks. The kind of person that don’t get upset over small things. The kind of person who couldn’t care less about anything and everything. Rileks sampaikan when my friends first to know that I do fight with Devil that they get surprised. Kawan yang tak berapa close la. Yang close sure knows everything kan?

Sometimes I’m surprised by the extent of the jokes told by some of my male colleagues. It’s not like I don’t like it or anything like that, it just got me thinking, did they do this in front of any other girls, or just me? Or is it because they think that I’m their friend and they are comfortable with me that they can say anything they want? I’m sure they will behave and not say anything that can be considered as ‘lucah’ if they try to impress that girl rite? Or is it because they see me mcm rileks jer so they don’t mind telling lawak lucah? Among many, I’ll share with you some of the jokes.

This happen when I told them that I’m going to go back to my hometown. One of my colleagues said that he wanted to follow me back home. Just him and me. Then he said, “Pakcik, saya dah puas telek anak pakcik. Sekarang saya nak belek pulak. Lepas tu saya nak godek plak. Pakcik just sediakan quotation”. Sounds like sexual harassment? Well, when you sit around and have drinks and making stupid comments to each other, it only sounds funny. I guess this is what guys talked about if they are lepaking with each other. Maybe you don’t hear them if you’re there with your boyfriend/husband and their friends because they respect you and your boyfriend/husband. If you’re friends with them, then I guess they will just treat you like one of them.

Till the next entry, daaa….

Friday, May 06, 2005

Why do the good girls always want a bad boy?

My plan on dieting is not going on as smoothly. Banyak sangat temptation. Lagipun bila depressed sure nak kena makan. Dah makan banyak petang pun malam nampak food nak makan lagi. Anyway after a few months not caring on how much I weigh, yesterday berjaya jugak menimbang berat. And surprisingly, berat dah turun. Yessszzzzaaaaaa…. Hahahaha….

This few weeks memangla sangat tak productive. Kelas pun malas nak pegi. Asyik ponteng je. Apa nak jadi ek? Anyway kelas esok memang definitely kena pegi. Because class on Thursday hari tu dah miss.

My dear friends, lama dah tak jumpa you guys. Planla something Shariza. Hari tu kata nak buat pot luck. Apa citer aa? I miss little Faeq. Dah bole merangkak blom? This Wednesday most probably aku balik Terengganu. Jumpa mak bapak. Jumpa anak buah yang sorang tu. Hirup udara segar Terengganu. Mandi laut. Makan ikan bakar, sotong bakar, keropok lekor, etc. Nak mencari ketenangan. Hahaha yo yo jerk kan? Nak balik lama2 skit. Maybe dalam seminggu ke. Cuti dah apply. Nak tengok ada orang nak miss aku ke tak. Heheheh. Amacam Abaran? Nak ikut jumpa my parents? Ahahaha… Just kidding. Don’t freak out, ok?

Someone mentioned me having a dual personality. Haiii.. suka hati jer ek. Mcm ada penyakit jer. Multiple Personality Disorder. Okla people. I admit. I do have multiple personalities. Sorang tu yang biasa orang nampak, the one where I always put on kat office or public. Konon2 baik. Tu yang ramai orang tertipu tu. I’m good at acting people. I can pretend to be sad, I can cry if I wanted to, even if I don’t feel sad at that time. I’m good at using my tears to manipulate the situation the way I want it to be. Tu another personality of mine, the manipulative Whitewitch. Another one tu keje dia backup dancer Janet Jackson. Dulu selalu ulang alik pegi LA, NY, Japan, you name it people, anytime bila Janet buat konsert. Tapi sekarang ni since Janet dah kureng buat concert, dia kan dah tak glamer sangat, sampai kena buat gimmick tayang boob kat Superbowl dengan my baby boo Justin Timberlake, so I pun kureeng la jugak pegi over the sea. Heh. Satisfied? I’m good and I’m also evil? Sorry la for those people who get to see the evil side of me tu. Well bebeh, to tell you the truth, you haven’t seen evil yet. I can do more than that. I can be a person that you can’t even look at. Just wait n see.

Okla. Tak baik emotional sangat ni kan? Biar la orang nak piker apa pun. My life is mine. Kalau orang tak bole see or understand my intention whenever I do something, should I just discontinue what I’m doing? Kena ikut cakap orang ke?

I’m just an ordinary girl. There is nothing special about me. I’m good and bad. I’m not the lemah lembut girl you are looking for. If you’re looking for something extraordinary, go look somewhere else. This is me then, now and later. I won’t promise anything.

Akhir kata, lesson learned for today: Don’t just simply open up. Don’t pour out everything. Not everyone can understand you. Even though you feel like he/she might be feeling you, sebenarnya tak! Cakap jer lebih. So any problem just keeps it to yourself. Cakap ngan orang tapi complicate kan keadaan buat pe?

About the title, since all good girls want a bad boy and I’m not a good girl, I guess I should be looking for a good boy then. Amacam? Any good boy interested?

If anyone is offended by this entry, I’m not sorry. I’m that evil. You’re not expecting any less than that from me rite?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Life Can Be Deliciously Sweet

Funny how life can be sometimes. Just when you think you're stucked with something for the rest of your life, miracle happens and there it is, a window of opportunities, open in front of you, with options that you can never imagine will be there for you to choose from.

It's just that, sometimes when you have already made up your mind, then a more wonderful thing appears in front of you, making you cringe and think back about the decision that you have already made.

This is the luxury that can only happen to some people, and I guess I am very very lucky if this were to happen to me.

Dont get it?

A friend of mine broken up with her boyfriend quite some time ago. She thought her world would end there. Not like she wanted to commit suicide or anything. She just didnt believe that she'll be lucky enough to be in a relationship again. But then, a guy started to show his interest towards her. Let's call this guy Guy A. He was very sensitive to her needs and showed her attention that she never get from her ex-bf. Basically, Guy A has everything that her ex-bf doesnt. So she starts to go out with Guy A.

In the meantime, some other guys also started to give her hints that they were kinda interested in her. One of them is her colleague, let's call him Guy B. She always thought Guy B is cute and has all the characteristics she's looking for in a man, well, physically la. He's tall, handsome, and dress well too. But she had never imagined that Guy B would be interested in her, since she heard from other colleagues that he has a girlfriend.

So now she is torned between Guy A and Guy B. She likes Guy A because of the attention that she get from him, and she likes Guy B because she is intimidated by him, you know, the kind of feeling that you get when you're attracted to someone but dont want to do anything about it because you're afraid he might not feel the same way towards you. She thinks what she have with Guy A is only infatuation, but she is not sure.

So what do you think? Care to comment anyone?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Girls Issue No. 8596

Slim or Chubby?

Aaaa.. So this is the issue that I want to discuss today.

Some people really care on how they suppose to look like.. Like me, I dont. As long as I am comfortable with my body, I dont really care about what other people say about me. On the low carb diet, I just want to get rid of the excessive fat that may constitute danger to my health in future. Ahahaha yo yo je kan..

Anyway, last night I went out for drink in Sri Hartamas with Sue and Anne. I told them about how some people called me chubby and that I have a big butt. As expected, they say that my body is fine. I always get that from girls (not all of them, but most of my girl friends say that my body looks just fine). But guys, especially Devil la kan, always says that I'm fat. Yups! that's the exact word. "Awak sekarang dah gemukla". Truthfully, I dont really care. I mean, if you yourself are not that hunk enough, why should I be super extra perfect for you? Rite?

It's not like I dont want to be slimmer than I am now. Yes I do. But then, would you deprived yourself from eating just to get slim? Or get pills to help keep you at that shape? I'd rather do it healthily. Eat good food. Go exercise. Tapi masa yang takde nak exercise ni. Sibuk dok buat all those unnecessary things. Cam bertenet. Or bertenet some more.

Anne and Sue also agreed on the fact that most guys actually like chubbier girls better than skinny girls. So I guess there's a rare species of male homo sapien that like skinny looking girls that we have to get rid of. Anyway, it's not healthy to be so skinny. Dont you think so? Having extra money is good. Having extra brain is good. So does having that extra fat. Kan?

Beauty is skin deep.
Beauty in the inside is more important than outside, aight??

I have a friend that really wanted to please her bf that she stop herself from eating. You can see that she's hungry whenever she eat, because she finished her food till the last bit. Her bf complained that she have wide arse, but however she tried, the butt still look the same, because it's her bone that's wide. How do you change or reduce the size of your bone? But she kept on dieting, until she looked like a skeleton. And complained about how her breast is smaller than mine. Heh!

Do you know when you're dieting, the first thing to go is your breast? Like what Courteney Cox in Friends used to say, "You've got to choose, either your boobs or being slim. You cant have both!". So what's your verdict? I'd rather have extra fat here and there than losing most of the fat at that particular spot. Hahaha...

So guys, please la dont be so over-demanding. Takkanla you guys want your woman to lose something that I guess you guys love the most (bole jadi 2nd kut, I'm not sure) in a woman kan? Furthermore, where's the fun if all you can touch are bones, kan? Hehehe...

Sunday, May 01, 2005


1) I've got myself a notebook. Oh well! I'm known for not being able to make decision. So basically I bought it based on Devil's recommendation. His mom is using that one. Would have bought the one that I saw in the first shop but the promoter was lecturing us about almost everything, from frequencies allocated by gomen for different kind of telco services to the layer between the notebook cover and the screen. I almost ran out of the shop and left him talking to himself but lucky for him I didnt have the heart to do that.

2) I'm planning to go on a low-carb diet. Starting from tomorrow. Haha. Bole menjadi ke aa? But I've done it before. Although last time I still take carbohydrate but the intake is small. And it worked! Lost a few pound. The problem is... now I'm hungry for nasi. Help me!

3) Honey, I'm sick. I'm breathing through my mouth. My nose is clogged and my head is aching. And now I'm at the office, working! I slept late last nite, study la kononnya, and I woke up early in the morn, and now I'm very sleepy that I fall asleep in the middle of this sentence. Haru betul! It must be the flu medicine that Sue gave me just now. She told me it wont make me sleep. I guess I'm very vulnerable to all kinds of flu medicine, because they all make me sleepy even when they dont to other people.

4) I sat for Satellite test today. The questions are not hard, but I havent finished studying everything so I managed to answer some of the questions only. Gotta work harder for the final exam la nampaknya ni.