Friday, May 20, 2005

I do not want this blog to be a place where I opened up everything, but then, I've just realized that I have no one to talk to. It's 9pm in the evening, I guess everyone is resting at home, layan anak ke, or having dinner ke, and I guess nobody wants to be bothered by some silly problems that I have.

When you have someone in your life, you'd be thinking about running away from him, to get away from all the nonsenses that he is making, but when you know that he's not there anymore, you realized that you miss his presence, you wanted to hear his comforting words again, that everything will be good, that I can do something when me myself didnt believe I can do it, to support me from behind, to encourage me to take that one little step, to be happy for me when something good happen to me, and most importantly, to make me believe in myself.

What have I got myself into?
Does this worth everything I'm risking for?
Have I gone too far?
Should I turn back?
I guess the question that I have to answer is this...
Do I get what I want from all of this?

But I can see the path to the road that I have to lead clearly now...
There is no more decision to be made... it's crystal clear that he does not want me in his life anymore.
Serves me rite la kan?


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