Friday, May 06, 2005

Why do the good girls always want a bad boy?

My plan on dieting is not going on as smoothly. Banyak sangat temptation. Lagipun bila depressed sure nak kena makan. Dah makan banyak petang pun malam nampak food nak makan lagi. Anyway after a few months not caring on how much I weigh, yesterday berjaya jugak menimbang berat. And surprisingly, berat dah turun. Yessszzzzaaaaaa…. Hahahaha….

This few weeks memangla sangat tak productive. Kelas pun malas nak pegi. Asyik ponteng je. Apa nak jadi ek? Anyway kelas esok memang definitely kena pegi. Because class on Thursday hari tu dah miss.

My dear friends, lama dah tak jumpa you guys. Planla something Shariza. Hari tu kata nak buat pot luck. Apa citer aa? I miss little Faeq. Dah bole merangkak blom? This Wednesday most probably aku balik Terengganu. Jumpa mak bapak. Jumpa anak buah yang sorang tu. Hirup udara segar Terengganu. Mandi laut. Makan ikan bakar, sotong bakar, keropok lekor, etc. Nak mencari ketenangan. Hahaha yo yo jerk kan? Nak balik lama2 skit. Maybe dalam seminggu ke. Cuti dah apply. Nak tengok ada orang nak miss aku ke tak. Heheheh. Amacam Abaran? Nak ikut jumpa my parents? Ahahaha… Just kidding. Don’t freak out, ok?

Someone mentioned me having a dual personality. Haiii.. suka hati jer ek. Mcm ada penyakit jer. Multiple Personality Disorder. Okla people. I admit. I do have multiple personalities. Sorang tu yang biasa orang nampak, the one where I always put on kat office or public. Konon2 baik. Tu yang ramai orang tertipu tu. I’m good at acting people. I can pretend to be sad, I can cry if I wanted to, even if I don’t feel sad at that time. I’m good at using my tears to manipulate the situation the way I want it to be. Tu another personality of mine, the manipulative Whitewitch. Another one tu keje dia backup dancer Janet Jackson. Dulu selalu ulang alik pegi LA, NY, Japan, you name it people, anytime bila Janet buat konsert. Tapi sekarang ni since Janet dah kureng buat concert, dia kan dah tak glamer sangat, sampai kena buat gimmick tayang boob kat Superbowl dengan my baby boo Justin Timberlake, so I pun kureeng la jugak pegi over the sea. Heh. Satisfied? I’m good and I’m also evil? Sorry la for those people who get to see the evil side of me tu. Well bebeh, to tell you the truth, you haven’t seen evil yet. I can do more than that. I can be a person that you can’t even look at. Just wait n see.

Okla. Tak baik emotional sangat ni kan? Biar la orang nak piker apa pun. My life is mine. Kalau orang tak bole see or understand my intention whenever I do something, should I just discontinue what I’m doing? Kena ikut cakap orang ke?

I’m just an ordinary girl. There is nothing special about me. I’m good and bad. I’m not the lemah lembut girl you are looking for. If you’re looking for something extraordinary, go look somewhere else. This is me then, now and later. I won’t promise anything.

Akhir kata, lesson learned for today: Don’t just simply open up. Don’t pour out everything. Not everyone can understand you. Even though you feel like he/she might be feeling you, sebenarnya tak! Cakap jer lebih. So any problem just keeps it to yourself. Cakap ngan orang tapi complicate kan keadaan buat pe?

About the title, since all good girls want a bad boy and I’m not a good girl, I guess I should be looking for a good boy then. Amacam? Any good boy interested?

If anyone is offended by this entry, I’m not sorry. I’m that evil. You’re not expecting any less than that from me rite?


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