Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Good morning people..

Mengantuk ni, tapi otak tengah dok pikir mende ngarut2. Anyway, just now I took 2 hour break and went back home. Didnt buy anything to eat, malas. Went straight back home, amik junk food ngarut2, then duduk depan tv, makan. Watched Worlds Apart on AXN. This week's episode is about a family in Detroit that went to live on a mountain in Peru for 9 days. Kesian diorang, drpd duduk rumah moden2, sampai sana kena tido atas tanah yang uneven. Yang lagi kesiannya, their bedroom penuh ngan guinea pig. Those creatures were running around the room, tak takut dengan orang, and run over them when they were sleeping. Kesian betul.

And those guinea pig tu jugak jadik dinner diorang. Urghhh.... Those Peruvians even ate the guinea's intestines. Intestines and potatoes... for breakfast. Menarik tak? Bolela try.. hahaha...

Yang lagi menarik, they wash their hair with their own urine. Keep their urine in a pot for a few days, then they washed their hair and their guests hair with it. Their guests obviously didnt know that that thing was urine, so they just let their hair to be washed. Yang kelakarnya, the father even said that he feels refreshed after his hair being washed. Yang mushkilnya, urine tu takde bau ke? Hmmm... Pelik...

One of the kids dpt ugly, black piglet as his pet. Huhuhuh.. kesian budak tu. Nangis2 dia tanak binatang tu. But since his mom encourage dia, pujuk dia, dia pun dengan berat hati menjaga binatang itu. The piglet's name is.. Dominique 'Pork-Chop' 'Bacon' Lopikette. Ahahaha.. Lopikette tu family name diorang. Bengong tul budak tu. Dia siap ckp kalau dia bole bawak balik Dominique tu back home, he will keep it until it's old enough to be eaten. Bengong tak? Tapi seriously, for someone who has never seen a pig in real life, I think that creature is a hideous, stupid thing. Mende tu just run around, buat bunyi "Kroh..Kroh..Kroh" and run around some more. Memang terserlah ke'stupidity'an binatang tu. I think even donkey looks far more intelligent than pig.

Then after that I slept for a while before balik office balik. Hehehe... seronok keje time2 camni... HP is being shutdown for Christmas up until New Year, so less problems to be handled, bole amik break lama2, takde orang sibuk2 nak call. And skarang tatau nak buat apa... tu yang tulis blog ni. Lepas ni nak layan Desperate Housewives season 2 plak.. ehehehe... Chow..


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