Sunday, May 21, 2006

Just got back from watching Da Vinci Code. I am very satisfied with the movie. All the important facts in the book are in the movie. Maybe there's a minor change, but overall the storyline doesnt wander off from the one in the book. The movie actually makes me want to go to see Musee du Louvre in the heart of Paris. Maybe one day kalau dah ada duit banyak, I can spend some to see Europe.

Just now I watched James Blunt concert on Channel V while makan Nasi Goreng Cendawan and Tomyam. I have no idea that he is very talented. I know about two of his famous songs, You're Beautiful and Goodbye My Lover, and I've heard my friend praising him, but before this I myself tak pernah interested to listen to his songs. Tapi tadi masa tengah makan tu, my eyes glued to the tv set, syok tengok dia nyanyi. Syok maybe is not the right word, more like rasa connected to him. His eyes potrays different emotions with different songs. Macam his eyes is talking when he's singing. Ever heard people said "Eyes are the window to one's soul"? I think this guy is not afraid to show the world his emotions with his eyes.

I can see he's in pain when he sang Goodbye My Lover, a song about a man who cant be with the woman he loves. I can see his eyes glitter almost sarcastically when he sang Tears and Rain, and I can feel he's reminiscing about something in the past when he sang You're Beautiful, lagu about a stranger he saw in subway. I could be wrong with my interpretations but what I like about this guy is that he can stir different emotions within me with his songs. Not many singers can do that. Not many Malaysian artist can do that. Especially not Mawi! hehe... amik kesempatan condemn Mawi skit kat sini..

About the comment that I received in previous entry, I would prefer if that person identify him/herself. I'm sure that I know you and you also know me to leave a comment like that. Surely not a friend to be saying such a cruel thing. Or maybe also a friend in disguise?

For others who dont know me that well, I guess I better shed some light here. I broke up with my ex. I left him. Would a friend says that it's karma when I reveal about myself being in an unhappy place?


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