Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hari ni free lagi. Hehehe.. Since there is someone who will be checking on my blog everyday without fail kan... I feel like I'm obliged to write. Pagi tadi he's checking on my blog first thing in the morning. Pagi apa, more like dawn. Bangun tido before gi keje dah check on my blog. Instinct katanya. Memang betul pun, I did write something.

So, any interesting plan for new year people? Hmm.. Me.. Nothing definite yet. But definitely going somewhere. I'm sure this year it's gonna be interesting. Last year I think I just stayed at home. Celebrate new year sorang2.

A few of my colleagues invited me to join them to watch NRG in Planet Hollywood tomorrow night. Hmm tataula nak pegi ke tak. Tapi diorang ni gaya macam nak clubbing jer.. I budak baikla. I tak clubbing. Hmm... tapi menarik jugak.. I think in 2004 I did went to Planet to watch NRG, on my birthday. Okla diorang tu. But then, when you're in this kind of place, the quality of their voice doesnt really matter, coz it will be drowned by the music, so nyanyi bagus ke tak bagus ke, as long as there is someone singing to the song, is good enough.

Today is gonna be my last day working for this week. Keje 3 hari jer this week. Supposenya 4 days. Last Sunday I took a day off. Konon nak pegi tengok Amy Search. Then last2 minute tak jadi. So memerap je la kat umah. Dok depan pc drpd maghrib sampai kul 11, buat mende ntah pape. Try transfer file from handphone la, layan chat ngan pompuan bengong la, n etc. Dah setahun beli handphone tu baru nak try transfer file. kekeke.. nak buat camne.. my laptop takde serial port, tapi handphone tu plak pakai serial cable. Nak buat camne.. handphone tak canggih. Nasib baik ada abang kita yang rajin nak buat mende2 camni.. selagi tak bole selagi tu la try.. siap surf internet nak cari cara camne nak operate mende tu.. my phone ni bengong skit.. cam kalau connect kat pc bukan dia bole terus access phone tu.. kena ada special application then baru bole access... try itu try ini then last2 dapat jugak.. wa caya sama lu la bang! ehehee...

Oklerr.. that's it for this week. I think my next entry would be on Monday. Bole cerita pasal new year celebration ke. K.. chow..

What's the best part of being in a relationship?

Not so much.

The best part is not being in one.

The best part is when starting one.

The flirting part.
The part when you can flirt with anyone you want without feeling guilty.
The part when you dont feel anything when he's flirting around.
The part when you dont have to be paranoid about anything.

The part when you get all the attention without asking.
The part when he drops everything just to be with you.

The part when there's no string attached.
The part when you dont have to deal with all the small stuff.
The part when nothing is complicated.
The part when you dont have to assure anything, when you can just let it all go.

I'm a Geminian.
I'm sure dont like to be attached.
Or do I?

And Geminian also do get bored immediately with almost everything. Dont you think so?

Good morning people..

Mengantuk ni, tapi otak tengah dok pikir mende ngarut2. Anyway, just now I took 2 hour break and went back home. Didnt buy anything to eat, malas. Went straight back home, amik junk food ngarut2, then duduk depan tv, makan. Watched Worlds Apart on AXN. This week's episode is about a family in Detroit that went to live on a mountain in Peru for 9 days. Kesian diorang, drpd duduk rumah moden2, sampai sana kena tido atas tanah yang uneven. Yang lagi kesiannya, their bedroom penuh ngan guinea pig. Those creatures were running around the room, tak takut dengan orang, and run over them when they were sleeping. Kesian betul.

And those guinea pig tu jugak jadik dinner diorang. Urghhh.... Those Peruvians even ate the guinea's intestines. Intestines and potatoes... for breakfast. Menarik tak? Bolela try.. hahaha...

Yang lagi menarik, they wash their hair with their own urine. Keep their urine in a pot for a few days, then they washed their hair and their guests hair with it. Their guests obviously didnt know that that thing was urine, so they just let their hair to be washed. Yang kelakarnya, the father even said that he feels refreshed after his hair being washed. Yang mushkilnya, urine tu takde bau ke? Hmmm... Pelik...

One of the kids dpt ugly, black piglet as his pet. Huhuhuh.. kesian budak tu. Nangis2 dia tanak binatang tu. But since his mom encourage dia, pujuk dia, dia pun dengan berat hati menjaga binatang itu. The piglet's name is.. Dominique 'Pork-Chop' 'Bacon' Lopikette. Ahahaha.. Lopikette tu family name diorang. Bengong tul budak tu. Dia siap ckp kalau dia bole bawak balik Dominique tu back home, he will keep it until it's old enough to be eaten. Bengong tak? Tapi seriously, for someone who has never seen a pig in real life, I think that creature is a hideous, stupid thing. Mende tu just run around, buat bunyi "Kroh..Kroh..Kroh" and run around some more. Memang terserlah ke'stupidity'an binatang tu. I think even donkey looks far more intelligent than pig.

Then after that I slept for a while before balik office balik. Hehehe... seronok keje time2 camni... HP is being shutdown for Christmas up until New Year, so less problems to be handled, bole amik break lama2, takde orang sibuk2 nak call. And skarang tatau nak buat apa... tu yang tulis blog ni. Lepas ni nak layan Desperate Housewives season 2 plak.. ehehehe... Chow..

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yesterday, I applied for a credit card. Finally! I managed to apply for one. Not that I really need it, but then, maybe I'm gonna need it one day. So, since I'm in a bank applying for dot dot dot, might as well grab the chance and do it. I doubt I'm gonna use it that much, since I don’t really like to spend.

I'm not like most girls. I hate window shopping. I only do it when I wanted to buy something that are expensive and need miraculous observation to find for the perfect one. Like handphone, noteboook. Most of the time, I bought things spontaneously, when I have the money and I accidentally found something that suits me.

And today, I have a thought.

That we live in a competetive world.
That everybody around us, including me, myself is competing, against someone, for something.

Today, I think that I compete for two things.

#One: I compete to be far ahead, live a better, more beautiful and satisfying life.
#Two: I compete to get the attention.

Getting myself a dot dot dot and a credit card is to achieve goal #One.

But I still have no idea on how to achieve #Two.
But I was thinking of...

#1. letting go, ignore the whole painstaking ordeal


#2. work really hard to get the attention

I guess I'll go for #1. #2 is just not me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Sometimes, I feel that I put too much hope. And I realize that hope is something that can easily mislead me. One thing that I really learn today is not to put too much hope in ... well.. truthfully.. everything...

I miss the moment when I first tried to figure out this song. At that time there was no pc with internet around me. It was really a fun moment... really.. it was...

dangles on a string
like slow spinning redemption
winding in winding out
the shine of which has caught my eye
roped me in
so mesmerising
so hypnotising
i am captivated
i am....

i am selfish
i am wrong
i am right
i swear i'm right
swear i knew it all along
and i am flawed
but i am cleaning up so well
i am seeing in me now
the thing you swore you saw yourself
so clear

like a diamond in your ring
cut to mirror your intention
the shine of which has caught my eye
rendered me so..
so motivated
i am certain now that
i am....

i am selfish
i am wrong
i am right
i swear i'm right
swear i knew it all along
and i am flawed
but i am cleaning up so well
i am seeing in me now
the thing you swore you saw yourself

so turn
up the corners of your lips
part down and feel my fingertips
trace the moment fall forever
defense is paper thin
just one touch and i'd be in
too deep now to ever swim
against the current

so let me slip away
so let me slip away
so let me slip away
so let me slip against the current
so let me slip away
so let me slip away
so let me slip away
so let me slip away.......

i am selfish
i am wrong
i am right
i swear i'm right
swear i knew it all along
and i am flawed
but i am cleaning up so well
i am seeing in me now
the thing you swore you saw yourself

dangles on a string..
like slow spinning redemption..

I know that this entry is very incoherent. It's the state of my mind now. I guess the only thing that kept me sensible now is my work. Hopefully it will keep me sane for another day. Please god, give me the courage to slip away from all of this ...

Friday, December 02, 2005


Not feeling well. I have cramped stomach. The pain came and went since 7 hours ago. Swallowed three types of pills already. Now I'm a bit dizzy, dont know if it's the pill or lack of sleep. Just finished my night shift this morning. Lucky I dont have to work tonight. But tomorrow night I'm going to have to set foot in that office again. Hope the pain will go away by then.

This morning, I slept for 4 hours. Got woken up by him around 3. He was angry because I promised to follow him to Shah Alam, 3 hours before that. I overslept, and whose fault is it that he didnt try to wake me up. Maybe he did, I dont know. I tried to apologize, but didnt work. When I gave up, he started to come around and say that he was only joking. Thank God. Because with my physical and emotional state at that moment, I dont think I can handle any confrontations.

Watched American Pie: Band Camp after that. The movie is quite entertaining, but not as good as the first American Pie. Then I went to sleep again. Woke up with this cruciating pain in my stomach. But the worst is over now, at least I hope so.

I dont know where I am going with this. I cant seem to think of anything interesting to write. Last time when stuff happens, like when I met Mawi, I didnt have time to blog. Now, when I'm completely free, I cant think of anything at all.

Okla. I got tagged by my fren, Shariza a few months back. Ahahah, sorry Shariza, I took so long to do this. Anyway, here goes:

seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. have my own beach house, mana2 la.. Terengganu ke, Malibu ke.. ahahaha
2. stay at the most expensive hotel in the world, The Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
3. perform hajj
4. sponsor my parents to perform hajj once again
5. stay abroad for a few years
6. have twins
7. get married to mat saleh with startling green eyes, so that I can have kids with those same exact eyes.

seven things I could do:
1. watch TV all day long
2. play games all day long
3. stay in bed till afternoon
4. be really clingy.. yeah..
5. be really sensitive.. like I could cry at anything at all
6. be really pushy.. like I wont stop until I get what I want
7. drive very fast.

seven celebrity crushes:
1. Robbie Williams
2. Roberto Baggio
3. Keanu Reeves
4. Mel Gibson in The Bounty
5. Brian Adam's voice (suara jer, bukan orangnya.. bole tak?)
6. Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard
7. Michael Chang (the tennis player)

ni semua crush masa zaman sekolah... now.. no more celebrity crush... that explains why those celebrities are all kinda old... heheheh

seven repeated words:
1. yessss!!
2. tataulaa..
3. ntahla..
4. saja jer..
5. itula pasal...
6. tau takpe..
7. soooo damn goooood...

seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. nice eyes that you can keep staring at all day long
2. nice butt, maybe I have to confess here that I compare guys butt all the time, especially when I'm waiting for turn at banks.. ahahaha...
3. sexy lips
4. tall guy, though not too tall
5. smooth hands
6. nice looking body, not so bulky n yet, not so skinny.. (i used to like skinny guys)
7. broad shoulder