Monday, May 23, 2005

Maskerek Ball

Yesterday my company held its annual dinner at Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. It's supposed to be a masquerade ball but then just a few people turned up with costumes on. Most of us just dressed formally, even the big bosses also wore formal clothes, and some put on tux. I really wasnt in the mood of having fun so I was thinking about not going. But since most of my colleagues are going and some more penalty is imposed on those who registered but didnt go, so in the end I decided to go. And yesterday jugak I rushed to Ampang Point to get something to wear.

I'm the kind of person yang do not like to walk around in shopping complex for a very long time. So once I saw baju yang rasa2nya can go with the event, terus jer try and beli. Senang citer.

I arrived late actually. I'm supposed to go with my colleagues, but then they are late so I end up going there alone. Nasibla ada penyelamat yang willing to show me where to park, register and everything. Sampai2 jer show baru start. A lot of dancing performance la. Yang funny pun ada. Ada ke nyanyi.. ehh miming lagu Alanis Morissette Uninvited but put on gaya cam nyanyi opera. Lawak seyy... Ahh before I forget, the emcees are Asha Gill and Lil Kev. They are wicked.. men. Tu favourite phrase diorang... wicked. Ehehe...

Instant Cafe Theatre and Camelia also perform jugak. Camelia looks stunning, as usual la kan. I always have the impression that she is tall, but she is not. But she definitely have the perfect body la, to my eyes. When she was performing tiba2 blackout plak kat situ. Sunway Resort Hotel ni tak bayar electricity bill kut. Heh..

But the blackout was just for awhile. Maybe around 5 minutes kut. But I tell you, performance by Instant Cafe Theatre was superb, marvellous, kelakar gila. Kalau before this a lot of people suka buat lawak bodoh kan, diorang punya lawak ni memang intelligent la. I dont know all their names but some of them are recognizable la. Rashid Salleh and Patrick Teoh and this one girl that always come out on tv. I cant remember her name. But all of them are really talented. They sing well too, including Rashid Salleh. Hehhee..

After abis semua performance tuh, diorang clear all the tables and bukak dance floor kat depan stage tuh. Terasa cam nak goyang2 jugak but then I have to control myself la kan. Then we all went out to take pictures. Dapatla amik gambar with Asha and Lil Kev.

There is this one group of Indian guys, I think they are all from India, they all punya perangai memang memalukan la. They do not seem like they are drunk, but their behaviour memang mcm diorang ni drunk la. They will ask any girls that are around to take picture with them. Just when their friend is about to take the picture, they will put their hands on/around that poor girl and asked whether they can do that. But of coursela the moment when their hands are around the girl their cameraman friend will snap the picture. Sah2la the girl tak sempat nak say anything kan. And ada this one guy sempat peep into one of my colleague's cleavage tuh.. Memang extremely rude. Depan2 orang buat tu.. I saw him doing that with my own eyes. And now dia upload all those pictures online and publish the url to all of his friends in hp. And kebetulan ada kawan dia send me the url, memang dlm web page tuh penuh gambar diorang with girls. Almost all the girls in hp yang attend the dinner. heh. pelik betul kan perangai?

So that's it la about the dinner. Aaa lucky draw. Hadiah memang gempak2 but as usual, I never won anything. Tapi ada my colleague menang ipaq, hp digital camera, tv 34 inch, mcm2 lagila. Yang lawaknya pen drive 64Mb pun diorang give away jugak. Hai... nampak sangat la dah tak laku.

Okesla. That's it for now. Chow.


Anonymous Anonymous spelled...

Well, ##NAME##, whaddya know? You've got quite a blog there. Not exactly what I was expecting, but good. I'll make a note to look in again. Rex ##LINK##

April 19, 2006 at 12:49 PM  

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