Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Coughing My Life Through This Week

I've been coughing for almost 2 weeks now.. It's so bad that my whole body shook whenever the cough strikes. I got this cough on my own. Saja cari pasal. I dont have anything to do that one sweet day that I tried to smoke a cigarette. Just wanted to feel what is so great about this number one cause of lung cancer. So I smoke like a real man did. Not just puff in and out immediately like most of the girls did. I inhaled the smoke deep into my poor lung, try to feel the moment, try to find the satisfying feeling that smokers have on their face whenever they smoke, but nada... nothing of that sort. First puff, I'm still ok. Second puff, I cough like a sick goat whose throat got stuck with ranting kayu or anything bigger than that. But that's still not enough to stop me. I continue to puff and cough until half of the cigarette gone, when my lung couldnt take it any longer.

A day after, my throat started to itch. That night, I started to cough. It's not that bad. I still went to work, night shift. Being in the air conditioned room for one whole night, I went back home sick with flu. I thought I could still manage, so I went back to work the night after without even been to the doctor. Guess what? I caught fever the day after that. Afraid that there'll be nobody to replace me, I went to work and went to see the doctor. Dapat ubat jer, makan ubat, tido kejap, terus ok. Hehhehe... But my cough still doesnt want to part with me, sampai la ke hari ni. Tensen tul! Especially in a quiet office, tengah2 malam buta, when everyone tengah syok layan karat, tetiba terdengar bunyi orang batuk macam kambing tua dah nak sampai masa.. ada time sampai non-stop lak tu.. kronik tul...

I cannot makan ubat betul2, especially ubat batuk, because nanti i'll be drowsy and cannot work. So I took the medicine only when I'm at home. So every nite until now asyik escape makan ubat time malam and then duduk dalam bilik air cond ni. So camne nak baik? Today is the worst. Because today Devil brought me coke with ice for dinner. He must have thought I have receovered from my cough. I also drank sirap limau during lunch. Because I havent cough during the day. Tengok apa jadi time malam.

So that's the story of my life for now. I guess that's the only interesting thing happen to me at this moment. Everything else seems to be very dull.


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