Monday, February 07, 2005

To Follow Or To Resist?

A few days ago one of my Chinese colleague was showing me the article about Jeslina Hashim being harrassed by a JAWI officer in one of the club raids in KL. Then she asked me whether a Muslim can visit clubs. Well I dont know what to say. Can Muslims patronize night clubs?

Our Youth and Sports Minister says there is no law preventing youths from frequenting clubs and pubs, and by doing so we are going to segregate Muslims from non-Muslims. And Islam says men and women are not allowed to mingle freely if they are not muhrim to each other,and of course Muslims are prohibited from consuming alcohol.

So why people go to clubs? To release stress after a hard day at work? To check out girls/guys? To socialize, and if you do so at clubs you would appear more hips? To have fun? To dance? Or just simply to get drunk?

I believe it is not my position here to judge, to say what is wrong and what is right. I guess everyone knows what can and cannot be done, maybe just too stubborn or ignorant to admit it.

So if you are asked whether Muslim can patronize clubs or not, what would you answer? If your answer is no, then why the law is not prohibiting it, and if your answer is yes, cant you hear your conscience whispering to you the opposite thing?

My answer was, "Well... if you really follow Islam, then you cannot go laa..." Is that a good answer? I was contemplating for quite sometime before answering her, for I was afraid of the next question. Even Minister in the Prime Minister Department in charged of Islamic Affair was declined to comment whether or not Muslims can patronize night clubs. But then I guess by giving honest answer I can get myself out of whatever trap question she's trying to give me next.

In the end, everything lies in the hand of each and everyone of us. We decide on what should and should not be done. It is us who will determine how other people may look at us and the way we uphold our religion.

Living in multi racial country like us, I can see that our government is more determined in not doing anything that can differentiate the races. What I dont really get is the action of certain NGO like Sisters in Islam, filing complaints about things that are obvious are not of the way of Islam. I suggest they drop Islam from their name, or make it Sisters-against-Islam. They agree that criminal matters should be dealt by police and morale issues should be dealt by the individual and their family. So what if the family of that individual himself doesnt have a good morality? Can we have a better community if there is no JAWI,JAIS etc around?


Blogger whitewitch spelled...

Not all rich people are like that(Hey, I thought I would be one to generalize people like this :P). I have many rich friends who are dilligent Islamic follower, and some middle class friends who visits night club without fail on every weekends. So it does not depend on social status at all. I think what counts here is the role played by every parents in educating their children. If the parents are good Muslims, then so does their children (kalau sesat tengah jalan pun, tak susah utk sedar and turn back). And government also played an important role in educating the citizens. But I guess they are more keen on making us 'Bangsa Malaysia'. Anyhow, if you really wanted to do what Islam says nanti orang cakap kita Islamic extremist pulak kan???

February 8, 2005 at 12:46 PM  
Blogger Guzz spelled...

I think its really depends on the individuals and their upbringing and it is nothing to do with thier sicial status. Sometimes, the parents done a really good job in bringing up the children, but after they left the house they started to go wild, most probably because they mixed with the wrong crowds. At the end it really depend on how strong is your faith!
As for the government, I dont think they should close down these outlet as we are multi-racial country and have to be considered about other races.
Seriously, I was (and still am) so curious on the environment on these night club, I guess I'll go and have a look one day (out of curiosity) at one of these night club to see why people actually goes there........ It doesn't mean I am going to "frequent" it, just one time..out of curiosity........

February 8, 2005 at 2:27 PM  
Blogger whitewitch spelled...

You actually has not ever step in any of those clubs? Hard to imagine there are any guys left in KL who are as innocent as you. Even macam-warak abaran tu pun penah masuk modesto's.. to hang out and dance (sure or not can dance??)katanya... Well I've been to a couple of places.. for makan2.. I dont dance..The environment? Loud music.. where you have to shout to talk to your friend, people dancing everywhere, a group of drunk shouting and laughing like mad... drunk man doing ricky martin.. drunk woman clad in sexy white seethrough tube kissing his boyfriend.. well it's not a pretty sight.. at least not for me..and I dont usually go to these places unless there's special occassion, like b'day party or bacholerette party etc. If you wanted to go then okla for experience sake... tapi jgn selalu2 sangat... kesian your wife kat rumah ;)

February 8, 2005 at 4:40 PM  
Blogger Guzz spelled...

Ini dah kira mencabar ni...... The way you described it is just the way I imagined it. Even if i go, I'll bring my wife along la (because I dont trust myself?!! hmmmm)..... will it be too weird to see somebody with tudung in nite clubs?

February 8, 2005 at 5:15 PM  
Blogger whitewitch spelled...

You dont trust yourself with what??? Takkan you want to grab any girls kat situ... or tempted to sip the forbidden drink kut? Well.. I was there with tudung on my head. I didnt leave my tudung behind. But it would be nicer if you want to check out that place, go bring your friends along, jangan pergi berdua je. Kalau ramai2 takdela nampak weird sangat.

February 8, 2005 at 7:52 PM  

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