Monday, January 31, 2005


I am Erra Fazira. I was in a house with my husband Yusry and his two brothers. They were sitting on the sofa and they were talking while I looked at them from afar. I decided that I had to leave, to get away, for a while.


They realized that I was missing. They were looking for me. Their father, Yusof Haslam was also looking for me.


I was walking out of a store. I saw my father in law, Yusof Haslam who was about to enter the store. He didn't notice me. I rushed to my bike that I parked outside the store, put on my helmet, rode my bike as fast as I could. Oh no! He was staring at me! He was coming towards me! I jumped off my bike and saw a van parked near the curb. I got in, started the engine and pressed the gas pedal, as fast as I could. But the van wont go as fast as I wanted. Oh no! He was already at the back of the van. He was fast. I pressed more. The van was accelerating, but just a little bit. He was fast, and strong! It seemed like he could pull the van and forbid it from moving forward. He was still at the back of the van, then I saw him pushing the van like some super hero. I can feel the van's speed increasing when he was doing that. God help me! I was terrified!

That was my dream last night. Hilarious aint it? Cant believe I can be Erra Fazira, even just in a dream. Ha ha ha. Itulah mak cakap tak nak dengar. Jangan tidur lepas subuh, tapi tido jugak.

I read about dream interpretation in Cleo months ago, but I couldnt find the magazine yesterday. So I tried to search for the dream interpretation on the net, see what I found:

To dream that you are a celebrity, signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down.<--- Hmm... I dont remember having any high aspirations at the moment.

To see a celebrity in your dream, represents your beliefs and understanding about him or her. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name.<--- I'm not obsessed with KRU, and I hate all Yusof Haslam movies. In fact I'm not obsessed with any celebrities.

To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity.<--- Hard to explain. Maybe I feel a bit insecure now.

To see or drive a van in your dream, symbolizes convenience and/or practicality. Consider the load that you are carrying and what you can handle. Don't stress yourself out.<--- Am I?

To dream that you are pushed or being pushed, signifies that you are being pressure or feel coerced into doing something. Alternatively, it implies your need for perfection. You may be finding that you do not have enough time to complete a task.<--- I am a perfectionist in some aspects, especially when I'm dealing with things people put me responsible for. But overall I'm quite lazy in person, hehe..

I also used to dream that I was sitting for exams unprepared, went somewhere naked, falling, and even kiss a girl friend of mine. Hahaha.. That was a long time ago, when I was in school. I only told one friend of mine because I was scared of other people's reaction to it. People might think I'm gay.

Here what the website says about being naked in a dream:

So you are going about your normal routine - going to work, waiting for the bus, or just walking down the street when you suddenly realize that you are stark naked. Dreaming that you are completely or partially naked is very common. Nudity symbolizes a variety of things depending on your real life situation.

Becoming mortified at the realization that you are walking around naked in public, is often a reflection of your vulnerability or shamefulness. You may be hiding something and are afraid that others can nevertheless see right through you. Metaphorically clothes are a means of concealment. With clothes, you can hide your identity or be someone else. But without them, everything is hanging out for all to see. You are left without any defenses. The dream may telling you that you are trying to be something that you really are not. Or that you are fearful of being ridiculed and disgraced. If you are in a new relationship, you may have some fears or apprehension in revealing your true feelings.

Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard. Finding yourself naked at work or in a classroom, suggests that you are unprepared for a project at work or school. You may be uninformed in making a well-formed decision. With all eyes on you, you have this fear of having some deed brought to public attention. You fear that people will see through your true self and you will be exposed as a fraud or a phony.

Many times, when you realize that you are naked in your dream, no one else seems to notice (true!). Everyone else in the dream is going about their business without giving a second look at your nakedness. This implies that your fears are unfounded; no one will notice except you. You may be magnifying the situation and making an issue of nothing. On the other hand, such dreams may mean your desire (or failure) to get noticed.

For a small percentage of you, dreaming that you are proud of your nakedness and show no embarrassment or shame, then it symbolizes your unrestricted freedom. You have nothing to hide and are proud of who you are. The dream is about a new sense of honesty, openness, and a carefree nature.

Falling Dreams

Falling dreams are another theme that is quite common in the world of dreams. Contrary to a popular myth, you will not actually die if you do not wake up before your hit the ground during a fall.

As with most common dream themes, falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life. This may reflect the way you feel in your relationship or in your work environment. You have lost your foothold and can not hang on or keep up with the hustle and bustle of daily life. When you fall, there is nothing that you can hold on to. You more or less are forced toward this downward motion without any control. This lost of control may parallel a waking situation in your life.

Falling dreams also often reflect a sense of failure or inferiority in some circumstance or situation. It may be the fear of failing in your job/school, loss of status, or failure in love. You feel shameful and lack a sense of pride. You are unable to keep up with the status quo or that you don't measure up.

According to Freudian theory, dreams of falling indicate that you are contemplating giving into a sexual urge or impulse. You maybe lacking indiscretion.

Falling dreams typically occur during the first stage of sleep. Dreams in this stage are often accompanied by muscle spasms of the arms, legs, and the whole body. These sudden contractions, also known as myclonic jerks. Sometimes when we have these falling dreams, we feel our whole body jerk or twitch and we awaken from this jerk. It is thought that this jerking action is part of an arousal mechanism that allows the sleeper to awaken and become quickly alert and responsive to possible threats in the environment.

According to biblical interpretations, dreams about falling have a negative overtone and suggest that man is acting and walking according to his own way of thinking and not those of the Lord.

Taking Exams

To dream that you are taking an exam, indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. Such dreams highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated. You may find that you cannot answer any of the questions on the test or that the test is in some foreign language. Is time running out and you find that you can not complete the exam in the allowed time? Or are you late to the exam? Does your pencil keep breaking during the exam? Such factors contribute to you failing this test. These dreams usually have to do with your self-esteem and confidence or your lack of. You are worried that you are not making the grade and measuring up to other people's expectations of you. You may also experience the fear of not being accepted, not being prepared, or not being good enough. You feel nervous, insecure and tend to believe the worst about yourself.

These dreams also suggest that you may feel unprepared for a challenge. Rarely, are these dreams about the content of the test, but rather the process and how you are feeling during the exam taking process. Generally, you feel distressed and frustrated. These feelings may parallel how you are feeling in a particular challenge or situation in your waking like.

Dreams of this nature are also an indication that you are being judged and this dream is a signal for you to examine an aspect of yourself that you may have been neglecting and need to pay attention to. You may harbor some guilt because of your neglect in preparation for a school exam, meeting, business project, or some challenge. Most of the time, though, people who have such dreams are unlikely to fail a test in real life. This dream goes back to their fear and own anxiety that they may not meet other's standards of them. They are afraid to let others down.

Being Gay

To dream that you are homosexual (but you are not in your waking life), represents a union with aspects of yourself. It is symbolic of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion. If, in your dream, you are not comfortable with homosexuality, then it suggests some fears/anxieties about your masculinity (if you are male) and femininity (if you are female). You may be experiencing some insecurity in your relations with the opposite sex. If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex, then it represents self-acceptance. You are acknowledging the feminine or masculine side.

Maybe some of the interpretations are true. I can relate some of them to my life. There was one subject I took back in Univ that discussed about human behaviours. How parents treat their children when they're small can determine the children behaviour when they become adults. It is very crucial for parents-to-be to be prepared in child psychology, so as not to turn your child into some maniac. I guess most of us know that most of the serial killers were abandoned by their parents when they were children. Another obvious maniac is Eminem, who cursed his mother in every single album of his. Well, if all the things he told were true, I can't really blame him for hating his mother.


I'm looking for the first written book on MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder). I'm not sure who the author and what the title is, but do tell me if you know about that book. Muchos gracias!


Blogger Guzz spelled...

What an interesting dream.
I have dream about going to exam umprepared all the time, it was often while I was in school, but I still have those 'nightmares' on and off even now.
And about being naked in dream, I have those to.. the thing is I dont realize that i was naked... only at the end I realize and as usual, people don't seems to be notice that i am butt naked!

February 1, 2005 at 10:40 AM  
Blogger whitewitch spelled...

I havent asked anyone about being naked in their dreams, but I guess if you have a lot of things on your mind and keep thinking about it b4 you go to sleep, then you tend to dream about outrageous things, like the other day when I was comtemplating on things, again I dream about going to an exam unprepared. But I guess if we baca doa before we go to sleep, we can actually avoid ourselves from having bad dreams.

February 1, 2005 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger whitewitch spelled...

Was your report for human behaviour studies or english? I thought that was your report for English assignment, if I'm not mistaken la.

Who says anything about MPD caused by sexual abuse? :P...

By the by... if you see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream, signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. The snake may also be seen as phallic and thus symbolize dangerous and forbidden sexuality. The snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted. As a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive changes.

The appearance of a cat and snake, and finally their union, provide a very strong indication to examine your friends and confidants carefully as deception, and treachery, from them is possible. You may have already felt the need to do this as you may have been experiencing a lack of trust towards such friends / confidants.

February 6, 2005 at 6:37 PM  

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