Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Out Of Love

After years being in a relationship, you realized that nothing is the same anymore. You treat the other differently. You wont forgive and forget the way you used to do it. You remember. You always remember, and you constantly brought it up. You were not as gentle. You were not as patience. You were not as before. You have become a different person.

Does love fades? Or are we just being infatuated before, and not in love as we assumed we were? Or have we become a different person, where anger and dissatisfaction have turned us into a bitter human being; Or are we showing our true colours now, and fake ourselves before, just to lure and captivate the other into falling into our trap? Or have we given up trying, and just going where the flow will take us?

How do we tell that we are really in love?
And not just all of that?

I guess I'll never know.
I guess I'll never taste the sweetness of everlasting love.


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