Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I was about to blog about my visit to IJN (Institut Jantung Negara) yesterday but decided not to after a while. Instead, I blogged about books. I was thinking about doing it today but I guess I dont have to because the reason for that visit is not with us anymore.

My auntie passed away after 5 days in coma. She was diagnosed with cancer on her left kidney, and underwent 3 operations in 2 days. She underwent 8-hours operation to remove her cancer on Thursday, and has not wake up since then. Later that day doctors found out that she was losing a lot of blood and was ready to cut her up again. The doctors discovered that the blood loss was caused by her bleeding stomach. Doctors also discovered that due to massive bleeding, her outer bowel has stopped receiving oxygen and has turned blue. So they again asked permission from my cousins to remove my auntie's outer bowel. All of her outer bowel was removed and doctors gave her 10% chance to live...

According to my cousin, my auntie was very cheerful and doesnt look very sick before the operation. She even joked with the nurse that pushed her strolley. What could possibly be wrong? She was in ICU the whole time after the operation. Why did the stomach that bleeds when the kidney that was cut out in the fist place? Careless? Coincidence? Mende dah nak jadi....?

She looked so peaceful in her sleep when I saw her last Saturday. Her breathing was constant and her hand was warm. And under the bed, dangled the blood-filled-water-bag. Lots of blood. Her own blood. So scary. Why havent the nurse remove that bag I do not know.

My parents didnt know yet. My mother must be heartbroken when she learns her only sister has gone.


Blogger Guzz spelled...

Inna Lillah....

My deepest condolence for you on the departure of your beloved aunt.
Moga rohnya ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman..Insya Allah.

January 17, 2005 at 10:45 AM  

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