Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Talk! I Will Listen.

I havent updated this blog for a week now. Not because I dont have time. I do, but I dont have any idea what to say. I settled some arrangements last week, went back to Terengganu after that for Raya Haji, came back for work, and that's it! Nothing interesting, nothing worth mentioning. Some issues came up, but too personal to be mentioned here. Relationship stuff, too complicated to be revealed.

Without our parents, Raya Haji was very simple this year, but not in terms of food. We adik beradik cooked nasi ayam and satay. We made them ourselves, from scratch with the help of Makcik Ani, our neighrbour. We bought 6 chickens, 3 for satay and 3 for nasi ayam. We also made satay daging and satay hati. Satays were not enough, but plenty of nasi ayam were left unfinished. Everybody seems like they couldn't get enough of satay. Maybe because our nasi ayam was not that tasty. But we recycled the chicken from nasi ayam , I turned them into sweet & sour chicken.

We havent heard from our parents during raya, I guess they are busy. And they havent called since we told our father that auntie passed away. We couldnt even talk to mother, she just couldnt stand to hear our voice. I guess she havent been told that her sister had passed away. Once when my little brother asked to talk to her, she went "Adik ingat Umi dokkk???", crying. More like wailing, since my sister who sat beside my brother can hear her. She is missing home and her children.


Someone told me that having a blog is an exit for all the things that you keep inside your head or your heart. Really? Do you get the satisfaction you seek for when you write? I dont. If I'm mad at someone close, I have to show them that I'm angry at them. That's how I let it all out. But if it is someone that is not very close, I may just shut my mouth up. But I'm quite sarcastic in person, so that someone can just get it from me anytime. I may and may not write about how I feel, but that still couldnt make me feel relieved.

Speaking of feelings, I have a couple of friends who are very self absorbed. Ever been in a conversation when you wanted to tell someone about something and end up with you listening to them all the way? Yup, happen to me, a lot of times. I think that is the reason why I became quiet among some of my friends. I just couldnt talk, whenever I open my mouth, they will interrupt me as if I'm just some kind of background music to their loud thrash head banging song. And some even have the courtesy to ask why I've been so quiet? Dont you see what you've done to me?

That's one kind. There's another kind who starts comparing them and you whenever you tell them about your problems. Just to show that their life is more fucked up than yours. Why does it have to be all about you? Why cant you for once listen to other's as well? Why do you have to be so self-centered? My advice, if you are to face the same problem, STOP. Dont say anything, dont coax them into any self-related conversation, just let them talk. Talk about movie stars, latest fashion, latest office gossips.. Yes.. these type of people know a lot of things that you dont. That's the only thing that's good with them... ahaha.. if you like to gossip la.

Maybe you get the impression that only girls are like this. No, not true. Guys are also like this. I can stand girls who are self-centered, but not guys. Serious, I dont. And they are even worse when they gossip, with all those nasty comments. But I love boys who can stop me from gossipping and pout their lips in disgust when I tried to gossip with them.


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